Calcium CT Scans

The Highest ROI for Your Health

Understanding the immense benefits and potential life-saving insights gained from calcium CT exams.

Early Detection
Detects heart issues early, providing crucial time for preventive measures.
Typically $200 and 15 minutes.
Preventive Care
Data to help influence lifestyle changes that can save your life.
Heart Image
Heart attacks before the age of 40
Read the study
Heart Image

Schedule your test!

Contact your doctor or schedule with Tripment

Booking and referral
Contact your doctor to get a referral which is needed most of the time to book the Calcium CT scan, or use Tripment which can take care of the referral for you.
Get the scan
Getting the scan is easy! Just show up on the day of your appointment and the technician will do the rest, no preparation is needed.
You should have the results in a few days.
Heart Image

Understanding Your Calcium CT Score

What Your Score Means

Score: 0
No identifiable plaque, low risk of coronary artery disease.
Score: 1-10
Minimal plaque detected. Generally considered low risk.
Score: 11-100
Low to moderate plaque. It's a sign to start risk factor modification and consult your doctor.
Score: 101-400
Moderate plaque. A follow-up with your doctor is needed to discuss the next steps.
Score: Over 400
Extensive plaque. This indicates a high risk of coronary artery disease, suggesting aggressive risk factor modification and further testing. Consult your doctor promptly.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Calcium CT Scan cost?

The cost can vary depending on the location and facility, but it typically ranges from $100 to $400.

Is the Calcium CT Scan invasive?

No, it's a non-invasive imaging test that doesn't require any incisions.

How long does the scan take?

The actual scan takes only a few minutes, but the entire process, including preparation, may take about 15-30 minutes.

What outcomes can I expect from the scan?

The scan helps to detect the presence and extent of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries, which can be an indicator of heart disease.

Do I need a referral for a Calcium CT Scan?

It's often required but you can use services such as Tripment to get a referral or consult your doctor.

Are there any risks involved in the scan?

The risks are minimal. It involves exposure to a small amount of radiation, but it's generally considered safe.


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